The Hikers Alliance Info Note

Blantyre, Blantyre, Malawi
This is the official blog for the Hikers Alliance. These are youth from Malawi with a high passion for adventure, fun hiking and ..... making lasting memories. WE LOVE NATURE.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What Civet Cat Gibby saw

Hiker Gib Kamanga

Well! well! well! If you have never set your foot on mount Mulanje, then you are yet to discover what Malawi has to offer in as far as natural beauty is concerned.
The trip to Mulanje massif is the biggest hiking adventure ever in my life. It was a marvel to have been part of the group. I really liked the experience as it offered me an insight into what natural beauty means.
Starting from Likhubula base, everything was wonderful and worth spending my time for. I can’t wait for another trip there. Hopefully it’s gonna be the much dreaded Sapitwa Peak.

Civet Cat Gibby

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