The Hikers Alliance Info Note

Blantyre, Blantyre, Malawi
This is the official blog for the Hikers Alliance. These are youth from Malawi with a high passion for adventure, fun hiking and ..... making lasting memories. WE LOVE NATURE.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

With only 850 Kwacha you are able to taste the excitement in the HIKERS ALLIANCE.
A day before Mothers Day at exactly 4.00PM the Hikers will be on their way to Michiru Conservation are to face real natural hyenas. Then braii will follow the whole hight. The whole live goat will be assasinated there. dont forget music.
The place is promising fun.
Pay you maoney to GIBBY in Mpingwe G 14 and N.D.A in G10 at the extension.
long live HYKERZ!!!

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